Paddling along Iron Curtain | Bratislava | Slovakia

400,00 $

Unique way to dive into history and discover nature of BratislavaImagine paddling along previously strictly protected Iron Curtain. See the ruins of bunkers and remains of barbed-wire fence which divided the East from the West. Listen to the stories of those who tried to escape. Enter the space that was not too long ago protected by guard towers, electrical fence and soldiers with permission to shoot. Thanks to the EU we can now move around freely and watch the wildlife in the meanders. On kayaks you will be able to access places full of natural beauty. Morave is a blackwater river. It has a deep, slow-moving channel flowing through forested swamps or wetlands. Most blackwater rivers occur in the Amazon/Orinoco basin and the USA. They’re very rare in Europe. Are you ready for a trip full of surprises?

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