Audio street performance “Dostoevsky ville” | Sankt-Peterburg | Russia
20,50 $
The unusual format of the audio street performance opens up new facets of Dostoevsky’s novel and lets you feel from the inside “the most intentional and abstract city in the world”Audio street performance goes to the places described in the novel, and inspired the author to his great work. The route goes along Stolyarny Lane, Kokushkin Bridge, Sadovaya, Sennaya (the Hey Market), along the embankment of the Griboedov Canal and ends near the house of the Old Woman, a money lender. You plunge into the world of Dostoevsky’s heroes, walk along thesame streets, along the same pavements as they did, see the same houses and landscapes, and feel the torment and inevitability of their choice. Or is it possible to change something?
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