Indoor Paintball with Hotel Transfers | Warsaw | Poland
50,00 $
The Indoor Paintball Warsaw offers people the chance to experiencethis heart-pumping adrenaline-filled game with family, friends orco-workers at an affordable price. You will be given masks, uniforms anda gun with 200 bullets to use during different game scenarios. Have you never played paintball before? Do not worry! Animators will bethere to train you and make the game even more exciting. Your group willplay until the bullets are finished or up to 1,5 hours! You can alsomake use of the Recreation Area, which includes shelter, BBQ, andfireplace with wood, tables, and benches.Paintball makes a great outing for birthdays, bachelor and bacheloretteparties or team building and is available all-year-round in all weatherconditions. Visitors can also have a BBQ afterward, which effectivelyrefuels weary trigger fingers.
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