Nomadic Trail | Leh | Leh
429,87 $
Perched at an average elevation of 4700m , the Changthang is a high altitude desert. It is an impressionable landscape, one whose striking beauty, vast emptiness and unforgiving terrain will not vanish quickly from memory. Relocating approx 8-10 times a year, the Changpa move with their goats and sheep in search of the wetlands of the lake basin in summer and to the lower plains in the winter, when temperatures frequently drop below -30, due to heavy snowfall, communities are often snowed in for upto 8 months a year. Due to a lack of natural resources, families burn cow dung as fuel for heating lit with Kerosene. Due to isolation and remoteness many Changpa have limited access to basic resources and infrastructure including health careThis journey offers a unique experience of interacting with Tibetan and Ladakhi nomads while staying at a camp. You get to see the reality of the nomadic life.
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