Russian maritime glory, Kronshtadt, Oranienbaum, Peterhoff | St. Petersburg | Russia
90,80 $
We would visit places, that are closely connected with Russian maritime history from the time of Peter I, who laid the foundation of Russian navy base on the Kronshtadt island to WWII when the Baltic Fleet was fighting Nazi Germany. We’ll start from from the Peterhof, which was conceived by Peter the Great not only as sea front official imperial residence but as a gigantic monument, commemorating the victory over the Swedish empire and triumph over nature itself. And we will continue our tour along the coast line to Oranienbaum and Kronshtadt island by a dam. We would be ariving from St.Petersburg by hydrofoil boat to catch the view of the palaces and fountains complexes from the watter, as it was intended by Peter himself. After going through upper garden we continue on land to next imperial residences, built in Oranienbaum. And we finish our tour in Kronshtadt, where we will be visiting Big Navy Cathedral, forts, first city port area, Peter I’s dry dock and lighthouse.
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