Traditional Home Dinner in Venice with a Chef | Venice | Italy

69,94 $

Enter a Venetian home and enjoy a typical dinner at a Chef’s house. You will taste local regional delicacies combined with great Italian wine. You will dine together with the chef immersed in an authentic Italian atmosphere with piano music and of course Venetian cuisine only! Chef Lorenzo adores cooking and hosting guests. He has refined a menu of Venetian specialities, using products and raw materials from the local market. Get ready to enjoy the dinner with your friends and family. This is a typical menu you will enjoy: • Venetian appetizer ( “cicchetti’) • Spaghetti with capparozzoli • Battered fried prawns with seasonal vegetables • Taste of polenta with creamed codfish • Fruit salad • Apple pie or ice cream (gelato) • Wine, coffee and waterDon’t miss the chance to live this unique culinary experience.Live an authentic experience with Chef Lorenzo!

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